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D W O'Boyle
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Version 1.2.1 Released
December 25, 2021
D W O'Boyle
Merry Holidays Folks, Super tiny update today. I was watching someone else play and noticed a graphical bug that was pretty easy to fix. It has been the first time I booted this game up since October...
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1.2 Update
September 04, 2021
D W O'Boyle
Hello folks, I believe this will be the final major update for this game. Certainly for the foreseeable future. I had a few ideas in the last week that I was waffling on if I would put them in the gam...
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1.11 Update
September 01, 2021
D W O'Boyle
Hello Folks, I just posted a minor update for this game. Nothing major, just some bug fixes and new result screen hints/story messages. The big thing is that I made a trailer for SIX. You can see it a...
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1.1 Update
August 25, 2021
D W O'Boyle
Hello Folks, This is the first major update after release and it’s pretty significant. I decided to completely revamp how randomness works in this game. Previously, it was just left to the will of t...
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Version 1.01
August 17, 2021
D W O'Boyle
Hey Folks, Of course I just released version 1.0 and then was testing stuff stuff and noticed a lot of issues with it. So I fixed the majority of them as quickly as I could. There's a real strange bug...
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Week 11 Update - 1.0 LAUNCH
August 17, 2021
D W O'Boyle
Hello Folks, In today’s dev log, I have a very special announcement. The One Who Struggles will be featured in SIX! It’ll be streamed online along with 23 other games. While I haven’t played any...
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Week 10 Update
August 08, 2021
D W O'Boyle
Hello folks, No new build again this week. I'm working on getting in the tutorial system finished up and it's almost there. Then I'm going to add in the scoring system with a local leaderboard and tha...
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Week 9 Update
August 05, 2021
D W O'Boyle
Hello folks, I’m a few days late on this so I apologize. The reason is I’m extremely close to finishing up the main parts of this game. (Also I spent much of last week distracted by blaseball, you...
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Week 8 Update
July 25, 2021
D W O'Boyle
Hello folks! No new build this week as I don’t feel that it’s ready yet. I mostly worked on getting the final phase done and it’s most of the way there. I redid a lot of it to make it feel bette...
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Week 7 Update
July 18, 2021
D W O'Boyle
Hello once more folks, This week brings the first build that has all three phases of this game in it! Wooo! Phase 3 still has a lot of work to be done as it is far and away the most complicated thing...
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Week 6 Update
July 11, 2021
D W O'Boyle
Hello once more folks, This is the sixth week of development on The One Who Struggles and it wasn’t a particularly productive week for new content. I spent the majority of it just fixing some bugs m...
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Week 5.5 quick update
July 08, 2021
D W O'Boyle
Hey Folks, Just a quick update here. I noticed a very silly bug in the current version involving the pause screen. If you use the confirm button to resume the game you can't pause the game any more! T...
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Week 5 Build
July 05, 2021
D W O'Boyle
Hello Folks, I ended up deciding not to release something last week for a number of reasons. Originally I was just going to delay it but, oh buddy, that heatwave was extreme. I’m not going to dwell...
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Week 4 build delay
June 27, 2021
D W O'Boyle
Hello folks, As I'm sure some of you all know there's currently a massive heat wave in the Pacific Northwest. While I got a lot of cool stuff done this week I'm taking this weekend to say cool myself...
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Week 3 Update
June 20, 2021
D W O'Boyle
Hello again folks, This week was pretty productive. I was able to achieve pretty much everything I wanted to get done more or less. The big thing is now the game has an actual proper title screen and...
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Week 2 Update
June 13, 2021
D W O'Boyle
Hello again folks, A second week of development for this game has passed and it is ever so closer to completion. I got a decent amount of work done. Not quite as much as I had hoped for reasons I will...
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Week 1 Update
June 06, 2021
D W O'Boyle
Hello folks, So recently I lost my day job after enduring months of harassment from HR regarding my auto-immune disease/disability. I was looking for new work that whole time but other than some inter...
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